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Taiwan ranked 9th worldwide for digital competitiveness

11/30/2023 12:53 PMListen

Taipei, Nov. 30 (CNA) Taiwan has been ranked as the 9th most digitally competitive country in the world in 2023, moving up two places from last year, among the 64 countries evaluated by the Swiss-based International Institute for Management Development (IMD), according to a report published Thursday.

The 2023 IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking, which used 54 indicators based on three major factors, showed Taiwan in third place in technology, a jump from sixth last year.

For the other two major factors -- knowledge and future readiness -- Taiwan was ranked 18th and seventh, respectively, with the latter representing a rise from eighth place last year.

Meanwhile, among the 54 indicators, Taiwan took the top spot in five areas, namely total R&D personnel per capita, IT and media stock market capitalization, mobile broadband subscribers, agility of companies, and use of big data and analytics.

Other noteworthy standings included the indicators of higher education achievement and total expenditure on R&D -- two areas in which Taiwan rose in the rankings to third place in the 2023 IMD report.

Photo taken from the 2023 IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking report
According to the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA), Taiwan's leading performances in fields such as IT, media stock market capitalization, and mobile broadband can be attributed to the government's efforts to provide subsidies and other incentives to telecommunications companies to construct and expand the 5G network infrastructure.

Regarding the future readiness factor, the ministry noted that the category primarily measures the degree of digital transformation in a country, and Taiwan was ranked first in two different indicators -- agility of companies and use of big data and analytics.

This is because Taiwan's economic model, which features small and medium-sized enterprises, has the advantages of flexibility and quick response to market changes, the MODA said.

The top rankings reflect the government's effective efforts to subsidize small, medium and micro enterprises to promote digital transformation and technological innovations such as cloud computing and data analysis, the ministry said.

The assessments in the IMD's latest report will serve as a reference for the Taiwan government's policymaking, as part of the efforts to develop the country's digital economy, promote information security, and expand public-private collaboration to achieve digital transformation, MODA said.

(By Su Ssu-yun and Ko Lin)


Source, https://focustaiwan.tw/business/202311300005    


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